This a village that found in coastal region of pwani in Tanzania. Area coverage of Mloka is about 20 kilometres Square with population of people between 3000 and 5000. It has people of different tribes like Pogoro, Ndengeleko, Chagga, Makonde and Zaramo. Mloka village is very famous village due to be around attrative scenery such as rufiji river and game reserve of selous where many people from country and outside country visit this village. Mloka dwellers deal with various activities as follow below for mantain their life.
This a village that found in coastal region of pwani in Tanzania. Area coverage of Mloka is about 20 kilometres Square with population of people between 3000 and 5000. It has people of different tribes like Pogoro, Ndengeleko, Chagga, Makonde and Zaramo. Mloka village is very famous village due to be around attrative scenery such as rufiji river and game reserve of selous where many people from country and outside country visit this village. Mloka dwellers deal with various activities as follow below for mantain their life.
- AGRICULTURE. This is act or science of growing crops and keeping animal. Agriculture become main activities for people of mloka village due to the availability of fertile land around Rufiji river valley. They grow food crops like rice, maize and cash crops like simsim, sunflower and palm.
- FISHING. This is activity that involve extraction of water bodies resources. Thus presence of Rufiji river lead dwellers of this village to extract rufiji river resources such as fish and hippopotamus that used for food and selling them so as to earn money for development of their life.
- TOURIST ACTIVITIES. These are such as tour guide in which people are employed in different camp site such as AFRICAN SAFARI, MBEGA CAMP, RUFIJI RIVER CAMP, KINGA LOGDE, IMPALA CAMP. Thus people get income from those activities.
- Lack of social service such as water are not clean, pour housing, absent of heath centre that can used to service mloka villagers from illness instead people have to walk to another village for ward hospital called MWASENI DISENSARY. Also there is no secondary school where students have to walk about three 3 kilometre to a nearly ward school of mwaseni secondary school in another village.
- Poor farming methods. Mloka village farmers use local method of farming like hand hoe, no chemical fertilizer so even the production in agriculure is very low in quality and quantity.
- Poor infrastructure. Although it is nearly potential areas like Selous game reserve but still Mloka village infrastructure such as roads are not good even the tourists get trouble to reach in that game reserve.
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