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Showing posts from August, 2018

UDOM: College of Informatics and Virtual Education (CIVE)

The University of Dodoma College of Informatics and Virtual Education (CIVE) Regular Short Courses at CIVE The College of Informatics and Virtual Education (CIVE) of the University of Dodoma through its center of Consultancy and Professional Services Bureau announces the following courses to the public. These courses will be conducted from September 2018 to February 2019. NB: ā€¢ These courses will be offered at the College of Informatics and Virtual Education of The University of Dodoma. ā€¢ Apart from the above mentioned courses, the College offers other custom-specific courses related to ICT. ā€¢ The above mentioned courses may be conducted anytime upon request from any organization, any interested individuals or business firm. For more information about the aforementioned courses (such as course objectives, contents, learning outcomes, mode of delivery, etc.), please contact: The Coordinator of Consultancy and Professional Services Bureau, College of Informatics and Virtual Education, Th...

TCU: Revised Almanac for 2018/2019 Admission Cycle

PUBLIC NOTICE Revised Almanac for 2018/2019 Admission Cycle This is to inform the General Public and all prospective applicants for admission into various undergraduate degree programmes that pursuant to section 12(2)(a)(b) of the Universities Act, Cap. 346 of the Laws of Tanzania, The Tanzania Commission for Universities (TCU) is mandated to coordinate admissions to Universities in the United Republic of Tanzania. In this regard, TCU announces the almanac for 2018/2019 admissioncycle for purposes of ensuring a smooth and timely coordination of admissions activities in Tanzania. Almanac for 2018/2019 Admission Cycle. Read Also. Recruitment Portal User Manual for Jobs Application and Notification . Vote For Seebait In Southern Africa Startup Awards. Six (6) Job Vacancies at Tumaini University Dar es Salaam College (TUDARCo), August 2018 READ MORE   IN PDF BELOW

Steps To Start A Successful Business

In doing business you must have plan how you can start it and where to reach in certain period. So You must read the following steps before initiate a business. The following below are steps to  start a successful Business. 1. Have a good idea of ā€‹ā€‹business.  Having the best idea of ā€‹ā€‹business you want to do is a key to success in a business you are doing or what you want to do.  Choosing the best idea of ā€‹ā€‹business goes along with the needs of people in the area.  For example, if you want to start a business you must look at what people need.  Once you know what they need and then you will find the idea of ā€‹ā€‹doing business.  So the best idea of ā€‹ā€‹business is happening to people around you .  2. Perform surveys for business purposes.  Before setting up an affair business you must find a place for business, not only the area but the proper place for doing business.  Choosing the right place to trade is the same as choosing a good marriage mate...

Call For Oral Interview At University Of Dodoma (UDOM)

1 CALL FOR ORAL INTERVIEW - LIBRARY  OFFICERS AND LIBRARY ASSISTANTS The University of Dodoma invites the following applicants for oral interviews to be held on Friday,  31st August and Monday 3rd September, 2018. Interviewees are required to report to the Central  Administration Block at 7:30 a.m. on the respective dates for completion of the necessary formalities  prior to the interviews. Interviewees are reminded to carry with them:  (i) Identity cards for ease of identification e.g. Passports, voter registration cards, employment  IDs etc. (ii) Original and copies of certificates including Form IV, Form VI, Diploma, Degree, Birth  Certificates etc.  (iii) "Testimonials", "Provisional Results", "Statement of Results", as well as Form IV and Form  VI results slips are not acceptable. (iv) Two recent (Passport Size) photographs Please also NOTE that; (i) All costs of travel, meals and accommodation shall be borne by the interviewees  th...

Selections Of Universities Students 2018/2019 | Water Institute

ABOUT WATER INSTITUTE  Water Institute (formerly Water Development and Management Institute) and Water Resources Institute (WRI) was established in the year 1974, being a unit in the Ministry of Water and Energy. The aim was to meet the need for middle-level water technicians under the former National massive 20-years Rural Water Supply Programme (1971-1991). In 1980 the name of the Institute was changed to Rwegarulila Water Resources Institute ( RWRI ). On 22nd August 2008 former name of the Institute was changed to Water Development and Management Institute ( WDMI ) following a transformation of organizational status from a unit in the Ministry of Water to an Executive Agency Read Also. 25 Job Opportunities at Public Recruitment Services TFDA | IAA And DMI 10 Job Opportunities at Tanzania Food and Drugs Authority (TFDA) TAMISEMI: Termination Of Public Servants Transferring Now, Water Institute, the aim of Water Institute is to develop and provide expertise required in the water...

How To Get Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) In Tanzania

When I wrote about how to create a company I also explained that when you completed the registration of the company and you got a registration certificate there are other things to do before the formal business start.  One of those things I said when you did not get a certificate you had to go to the relevant municipalities and get a business license.  The relevant municipality is the municipality where your company's office will be. Something else after obtaining a certificate of registration is to get a Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN).  In order for a company to trade legally it should have received this number.  It is possible that each shareholder has a taxpayer number but those numbers can be used as individuals and not of the company. The company should have its own independent number.  Read Also. HOW TO START A BUSINESS  LIST OF BUSINESS TO DO IN TANZANIA  Also for group members, such as saccos, civil society organizations and NGOs, and hav...

TAMISEMI: Termination Of Public Servants Transferring

It will be remembered that during the period 2017/2018, the Offi c e of the Presidential Administration and Local Government (OR-TAMISEMI) has transferred to some of the Local Government officials.  After the transfer took pl a ce, there was a need for an overview of how the transfer exercise takes place in order to improve the delivery of the service. In line with the evaluation, the Presidential Office- TAMISEMI in conjunction with the Presidential Office - Public Service Management and Good Governance is in the process of forming an electronic transfer application system to enable local authorities and Local Government Authorities to access transfer services faster and easier. Read Also. SELECTIONS OF UNIVERSITIES ACADEMIC YEAR 2018/2019 JOB VACANCIES FOR FORM FOUR AND SIX In this sense, we would like to inform all staff in the Regions and Local Government Authorities that the transfer of Staff from the Regions and Local Government Authorities has been temporarily suspended u...


According Tanzania Commission Of University (TCU) ,  All University allowed to register students academic year of 2018/2019 will be released any time from now because names have been sent to the particular universities. To see names click particular university name so as to go to see selected names of a given university. National Institute Of Transport  University of Dar Es Salaam Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences Sokoine University of Agriculture Ardhi University University of Dodoma Open University of Tanzania Mzumbe University Catholic University of Health and Allied Sciences (Weill Bugando University College) Eckernforde Tanga University Mwalimu Julius K. Nyerere University of Agriculture and Technology MJNUAT Archbishop Mihayo University College of Tabora St Francis University College of Health and Allied Sciences Tanzanian Training Centre for International Health Stella Maris Mtwara University College University of Bagamoyo UoB Dar es Salaam Josiah Kib...